Contact us for all of your pet sitting needs!
One phone call to Cottonwood Critter Sitters, will put you in touch with the best in-home pet care service in Salt Lake and the surrounding communities.
We have a proven record of professional, top quality, responsible pet care. We will ensure that your pet receives only the best care while you're away, right in the comfort of your own home!
Please consider all the benefits of in-home pet care. We think you'll agree that your pet will prefer all the comforts of their home while you're away. We are sure you will find us highly reputable and professional. You are assured to have reliable and responsible service.
Your pets will:
- Follow their customary routine
- Stay in their own familiar environment
- Avoid stress
- Avoid exposure to illness from other animals
- Receive loving, individual attention
Even if you are not leaving home, there may be instances where we can be of service. When those times arise, your critter sitter is just a phone call away.
Phone: 801 631 1415
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